Being Successful in this Course

"Oh, I can do that later. . ."

I want you to be successful in this course. Each week you will have readings, discussion boards, online lessons, and chapter tests to complete. There is a temptation to think in-person activities are more urgent than your online work. The problem is, then your online assignments pile up and you fall behind. Follow the weekly schedule and stay on top of your assignments, especially the readings.

I recommend that you log in at least three times per week to complete your work.  Use the Canvas Calendar and create alerts in your phone or on your computer for lesson due dates or anything else you think you might forget! Set up your Notifications in Canvas Links to an external site. as well. (You can receive notifications via text Links to an external site..)

Take your tests from a reliable computer, preferably one with high speed or a t1 line. I will not reopen tests if they are missed or lock up after the day they are due so please give yourself enough time to find a solution if there is a problem.  Take your chapter tests early, well before the 11:59pm cut-off time, or you risk the test closing and losing your score.

I do not, unfortunately, allow makeup work without documentation, for example, a doctor's note or other written excuses.  Taking an online course requires that you have access to a reliable device and internet source, but if this becomes a hindrance to your success be sure to let me know as soon as possible.  You may have options, so I strongly urge you not to wait until the last minute to reach out if you need assistance. 

Course Syllabus 

The course syllabus (see "Syllabus" in left menu) contains important information about class procedures, due dates, grading policies, etc. I consider the syllabus our contract and will keep to the dates and times listed there, the syllabus has additional information on what you can expect of me and what I expect of you throughout the term.


What exactly do I have to do?

In order to achieve the student learning outcomes you will be evaluated through the following assignments:

  • Exams: To assess general knowledge of course material and critical thinking skills, students will course exams.  These exams are multiple-choice, 50 questions, and timed (90minutes).
  • Discussion Forums: To make sure students engage each other over the material, each student will be graded on discussion forums dispersed throughout this course worth points.  These posts must be professional, meaningful and incorporate specific examples from the text or Learning Modules.   The first post is due Wednesday, with at least one response to a classmate's post due by the following Sunday.
  • Reading Assignments: In order to understand what Political Scientists do (interpret, evaluate and educate), students must complete reading assignments for certain chapters of our textbook.  
  • Extra Credit assignments: These assignments are geared toward additional and supplemental learning of the main concepts and ideas.   These are not mandatory, so adjust your time and manage your workload wisely.  

Time Commitment

The time to complete each module may vary from week to week. If you want to get the most out of the materials presented and earn the best grade you can, you should plan to spend at least 7-8 hours on the reading and assignments each week.

Contacting Me

I value an interactive and personal learning environment and I want to make sure you know that you're not alone in the course. Please contact me with questions, concerns or just to dig deeper into that week's material.

There are no specific office hours as I find it more useful to be available when it's most convenient for you. You can contact me at any time on my cell phone using the Pronto icon to the left or you can download the app.

Screen Shot 2020-06-04 at 6.23.37 PMThe app is available on APPLE Links to an external site. or Google Links to an external site. app stores


 I respond to messages rather quickly, at worst within 48 hours, Monday through Friday. I reserve the right to wait until Monday to reply to messages sent over the weekend. 😊