Assignment: EPA

  • Due Nov 7, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Points 10
  • Questions 10
  • Available Nov 1, 2021 at 12pm - Nov 7, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit 60 Minutes


Do NOT begin this assignment without first reading these directions!

This assignment allows students to explore the EPA website and learn about the importance of this organization.  EPA stands for "Environmental Protection Agency". 

Visit the EPA website before attempting this assignment in order to become familiar with the basic content of the site, and the general purpose and structure of the EPA. Keep in mind that there is a search bar within the site, which is helpful.

This assignment is worth 10 points and is due at 11:59 PM this Sunday night.

The format of this assignment is that of a quiz.  It is different from a usual quiz in that students have 1 hour in which to complete it (all in one sitting), and students are expected to open another browser window at the same time to look up the information on the EPA site "on the spot" in order to answer the multiple-choice questions.

Do NOT open this assignment unless you are ready to complete it on the spot, all in one sitting.  You may NOT peek at it and then complete it later.  Be sure to have another browser window open at the same time in order to view the EPA site.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes