Ilford Photo Paper Profiles

Printer Profiles

Here's the profiles for the Ilford Gallerie Prestige Gold Fibre Gloss Paper

Canon Pro 1 Download Canon Pro 1

Canon Pro 1000 Download Canon Pro 1000

Once you download the profile, drag it to the alias on the desktop.  Then open Lightroom, process your image to taste, and then go to the Print Module and use the following settings. 

Printer Settings:

For the Canon Pro 1:

  • Click the Page Setup Button and choose printer and paper size.
  • Click the Print Settings Button.  When this dialog box opens go to the drop down menu that says Layout and choose Quality and Media.  Now choose Media Type and select Photo Papers>Photo Paper Plus Glossy II, Paper Source>Rear Tray, Print Quality>High and then click Save.
  • In the Print Job panel in Lightroom choose Print Sharpening: High, Media Type: Glossy.  Next in the same panel under Color Management change the Profile to be the specific one you uploaded for the paper (you will need to select Other and then from the list that opens find the profile: ILFORD_GPGFG_CANpro-1_PPPSn).
  • Now go ahead and select the Printer Button and recheck the settings in this new pop up menu and then click Print.

For the Canon Pro 1000:

  • Click the Page Setup Button and choose printer and paper size.
  • Click the Print Settings Button.  When this dialog box opens go to the drop down menu that says Layout and choose Quality and Media.  Now choose Media Type and select Photo Papers>Photo Paper Plus Glossy II, Paper Source>Rear Tray, Print Quality>High and then click Save.
  • In the Print Job panel in Lightroom choose Print Sharpening: High, Media Type: Glossy.  Next in the same panel under Color Management change the Profile to be the specific one you uploaded for the paper (you will need to select Other and then from the list that opens find the profile: ILFORD_CANpro-1000_GPGFG_PPPG2).
  • Now go ahead and select the Printer Button and recheck the settings in this new pop up menu and then click Print.