Academic Honesty

  • Due Feb 18, 2017 at 11:59pm
  • Points 3
  • Questions 3
  • Available until Feb 18, 2017 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Academic Honesty Questionnaire


Academic Honesty

At Pierce College, Academic Honesty is a serious matter. Please read this document very carefully and then fill out the questions that follow where you will be asked to verify that you understand and agree to these policies. You should print a copy of this policy for your records

What is Cheating?

Cheating on Tests:

  1. Talking to anyone (except the instructor) about anything during the test.
  2. Talking to a friend about anything during the test. Don’t even ask a friend what the date is. Address all questions to the instructor.
  3. Any talking during the test will be considered cheating.
  4. Putting your name on work someone else typed.
  5. Printing a copy of your work, but putting a friend’s name on it to turn in.
  6. Using your textbook during a test (unless it is an open-book test).
  7. Using notes (unless the instructor gives permission to do so).
  8. Asking a friend to help you with your computer during a test.
  9. Putting your name on someone else’s printout as if it were your own work.
  10. Copying another student’s answers.
  11. Observing another student’s screen during a test.

Cheating on Assignments:

  1. Putting your name on work someone else typed or using someone else's computer file to complete an assignment. (Both students will receive equal reprimand.)
  2. Turning in assignment printouts identical to those of another student. (Both students will receive equal reprimand.)
  3. Using the Courtesy Key at your own workstation. Removing individual pages may not be done for any reason.
  4. Lab Time: Clocking into the timekeeping computer when you are not working on the computer in a particular room for laboratory hours.


If you cheat, you may be suspended from Computer Applications and Office Technologies classes for up to 10 days! Any and all students found cheating will receive an F on the exam or assignment involved and/or the course and will be reported to the Vice President of Student Services for cheating.

Software Policy


The unauthorized duplication of software and materials prepared for classroom use is prohibited and unlawful. Copyright protected materials may not be duplicated in any form or removed from the assigned classroom. Internet downloads are prohibited unless authorized by the instructor. These materials include the following, but are not limited to:

  1. Any software on computer hard disks.

  2. Printed classroom materials, such as:

    1. Answer keys provided for student use.

    2. Any other materials designated for classroom use.

  3. Students may not run personal software on Computer Applications and Office Technologies computers. Students may not download copyrighted materials from the Internet unless approved by the instructor. Software packaged with the assigned textbook may be used if student is instructed to do so by the instructor.

  4. Students may not make copies of data disks, etc., unless instructed to do so by the instructor of the course.

  5. Students may NEVER provide copies of disks, textbooks, course work, or testing materials to other students.

  6. Students must always do their own work and may not take disks, books, printouts, or other materials from other students.

Any student violating the terms and conditions will be eligible for exclusion from the course, will be assigned a grade of “F” in accordance with the violation, and will be reported to the Vice President of Student Services.

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