Submit-for-Points: the MANDATORY anti-Plagiarism Agreement
- Due Sep 1, 2019 by 11pm
- Points 5
- Submitting a text entry box
The MANDATORY anti-Plagiarism Agreement
By completing this 5-point mandatory assignment, you state that you have read through the Plagiarism information in the Introductory Module of Essential Things and understand what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.
You also show that you understand that anyone found to be plagiarizing or cheating will (1) receive a zero (fail) on the assignment. If plagiarism occurs more than once, the student may (2) be referred to the Vice President of Student Services for further disciplinary action, following due process.
For more information please see the Board Rules on Student Discipline
Think for yourself and be proud that you do so. Don't copy.
To give your agreement, click on the Submit Assignment button on the upper right. A text box will appear. Type your full name to testify that you understand what plagiarism is given the course definition of it and are fully aware of the penalties for committing it.
After you've typed your name, be sure to submit what you've just typed.
If you refuse to submit your name to this assignment, I will withhold my comments for your work in the forums until you do.
Many Thanks!