"The Western Tradition" - A Video Series for Our Course

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Are you a visual learner like me?

The Western Tradition is a video history book containing 52 30-minute episodes that cover
the entire span of Western Civilization. It's a feast and I strongly urge you to use. This is from the website:

 "Covering the ancient world through the age of technology, this illustrated video-lecture by Eugen Weber presents a tapestry of political and social events woven with many strands — religion, industry, agriculture, demography, government, economics, and art. A visual feast of over 2,700 images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art portrays key events that shaped the development of Western thought, culture, and tradition."

It is free.

That's a good price.

No login is needed, no password, just your curiosity. 

To access it, merely click here. Links to an external site.

If you wish to have a video accompaniment to our textbook, follow along and watch your grades improve.

For Week 1, over Chapters 14-16 in Hunt, watch Episodes 27-32 in The Western Tradition.
The episodes can be accessed at any time by clicking the link on the left -- in the Course Navigation Toolbar.

Finally, each episode is close-captioned. Click on the "CC" button in the viewer. 
To download the transcripts for the entire series, see the hyperlinks here:

Download Transcript for Episodes 1-17

Download Transcript for Episodes 18-34