Week-4 Resources





Bust of a Greek Warrior, Archaic Age, 6th b.c.e. 


bookcover for goddesses whores wives and slaves.png

Author Sarah Pomeroy examines women in ancient Greek and Roman society through an exploration of literature and archeology and art. 
Rather than tell us what ancient men said about ancient women, she
probes how they actually lived and worked given her sources. 
If you could read only one book on ancient sexuality and gender, start here.

The British Museum: Ancient Greece 
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The British Museum site is full of interactive tours, simulations, and games to make the study of Ancient Greece enticing for kids. Topics include the Acropolis, Athens, Daily Life, Festivals and Games, Geography, Gods and Goddesses, Knowledge and Learning, Sparta, Time, War. You can follow the procession of the Panathenaic festival and build a virtual temple, take a virtual tour of Athens and “rope” slaves into attending Assembly. You can also command a Greek trireme, explore the battlefield at Plataia, follow an interactive story about women in Greece, and “set the scene” in a virtual house. Another option is to take an interactive tour of the Olympics, Greek theatre, and Greek festivals. Other highlights include a God and Goddesses symbol game, an interactive tour of household items, a Spartan education challenge, and a farming challenge. The Geography section features a series of zoomable maps and an interactive dive of a shipwreck. Finally, there is a “staff room” with worksheets and discussion questions to help teachers use the site. War section explores Overall, a great introduction to ancient Greece for younger students.

Perseus Project  Links to an external site.
Perseus Project is an impressive digital library for Greek and Classical resources from the Classics Department at Tufts University for primary and secondary source scholarly works that cover the history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world. The collection contains extensive and diverse resources including primary and secondary texts, site plans, digital images, and maps. Works are listed by author and you can browse the Greco-Roman Collection or use the search engine. Art and archaeology catalogs document a wide range of objects: vases, sculptures and sculptural groups, coins, buildings and gems. The site also has FAQs, essays, a historical overview, and an extensive library of art objects, and other resources. Special exhibits include The Ancient Olympics and Hercules. Site is updated regularly.

BBC Ancient History: Greece
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BBC’s History section offers an impressive array of exhibitions, activities, games, photo galleries, and other resources. The BBC Ancient History section focuses on Anglo-Saxons, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Vikings. The Greece section covers five major areas: The Olympics, Athens and Democracy, Other Greek Cultures, Legends. It also includes related links to other BBC pages. The site consists of a series of extended expert essays on various topics: Ancient Greek Olympics, Alexander the Great, Lord Elgin, Fall of Minoan Civilization, Democracy, Greek tale of Jason and the Golden Fleece, and Plato’s Atlantis. Visual highlights include an Ancient Greek Olympics photo gallery and a related War and Technology gallery. Plenty of great information, though the site lacks the engaging multimedia features found on other BBC History offerings.

The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization 
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This engaging PBS educational companion site examines Ancient Greece’s Classical Period principally though a series of essays on four principal characters: Cleisthenes, Themistocles, Pericles, Socrates, and Aspasia. Each character is introduced via a video clip from the series. There are also a series of background pages on Greek culture, Greek warfare, Greek architecture, and other people and places in Greek history. Animation and simulations play an important role on the site. For instance, there is a 3D animation of the Parthenon, an interactive Greek timeline, an interactive Greek map, and audio to help you “speak like a Greek.” In the Education Resources section is a multidisciplinary unit that uses television, the Internet, and other resources to explore Ancient Greece. All in all, this is an excellent introduction to Ancient Greece for students.

Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Greece 
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The Internet History Sourcebooks are wonderful collections of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts for educational use by Paul Halsall of Fordham University. The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook contains hundreds of well-organized sources also includes links to visual and aural material, as art and archeology play a prominent role in the study of Ancient history. The Greece section features complete text works of Herodotus, Thucydides, Aristotle, and others, as well as primary source texts concerning the Persian and Pelopponesian wars, Athenian Democracy, Sparta, religion, and other topics. The Sourcebook also has pages designed specifically to help teacher and students: Ancient History in the Movies, Using Primary Sources, Nature of Historiography. Last update in 2007.

Classical Art Research Center: The Beazley Archive
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The Beazley Archive at The University of Oxford provides an impressive set of images of the art of ancient Greco-Roman art. Major categories include: “Art”, “Pottery”, “Gems”, “Sculpture”, and “Antiquaria” and helfpul features include “Dictionary”, “Databases”, and “Tools.” Not only are the images of high uality, but the referencing tools provide plenty of helpful context for appreciating how the objects and why they are significant.

Ancient Greece Links to an external site.
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An informative and image-laden guide to Ancient Greece, covering art and architecture, politics, Olympics, geography, mythology, peoples, war, history, and other topics. Of note is the Photo Gallery with panoramic images of Greek art. Contents include maps, biographies, and related links, though little in the way of engaging multimedia. Site last updated in 2008; some links are broken.

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Ancient-Greek.org is a broad introduction to Ancient Greece and is organized in eight categories: Archaeology, History, Photographs, Culture, Maps, Architecture, Museums, Art. Of note is the extensive photo gallery, which includes images of historic sites, art, and architecture. The History section contains a simple timeline and overview of Greek history, with specific focus on the Acropolis, Delphi, and Minoan Crete. It also includes a zoomable map of Ancient Greece. Though the content is sound the lack of interactivity will be disappointing for students and the lack of lesson plans disappointing for teachers.

The Greek Galleries
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The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Greek Galleries is an extensive collection of Greek art. You can explore the galleries online by following four interconnected paths: a timeline illustrated with signal works of art, a menu of eighteen art objects selected for this online preview and accompanied by explanatory text, a geographical map of the Mediterranean area where the works of art were produced, and a gallery map coupled with descriptions of the newly designed spaces and a selection of art objects.

Olympics Through Time
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From the Foundation of the Hellenic World, this bi-lingual (Greek – English) web site examines the Olympics long history and explores unknown aspects through a variety of activities. In addition to articles and photographs, it includes 3d reconstructions. A related link is to a virtual tour of Athens while a related exhibition is Tales From the Olympic Games. Site is both informative and engaging.

Ancient Near East and the Ancient Mediterranean World
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The University of Chicago Library preserves deteriorated research materials relating to the history, art, and archaeology of the Ancient Near East and the ancient Mediterranean world. The project focuses on materials published between 1850 – 1950, drawn from two of the Library’s complimentary collections: the Ancient Near East and Classics Collections. This is an excellent research collection for primary source materials.

Ancient Greek World For Kids 
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Ancient Greek World is a broad introduction to Ancient Greece for younger students from History for Kids. The site is essentially an extended hyperlinked essay with images covering a wide range of political, social, religious, economic, and military aspects of Ancient Greece. There is also teachers section with suggestions on how to use the site in class. Overall, it’s a fine introduction for kids, though the site and its design are dated and there is a conspicuous absence of engaging multimedia.

The Ancient Greek World
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Ancient Greek World is an online exhibit by the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology that explores the land, time, economy, daily life, and religion of Ancient Greece. The site is a series of hyperlinked essays with images (mostly of Greek pottery), that cover a wide range of topics. As introductions go this site is broad and thorough, though it lacks engaging multimedia and does not appear to be updated since 2002.

The Ancient City of Athens
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This is an educational photo archive of Athens’ architectural remains and a useful resource for students and teachers of classical art & archaeology, civilization, languages, and history. It can serve as a supplement to class lectures and reading assignments and as a source of images for use in term papers, projects, and presentations. The images are good quality, though there are no zooming capabilities nor multiple views. You are free to download and use these images provided but are asked to abide by the terms of the Creative Commons License.

The Internet Classics Archive 
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The Internet Classics Archive lists 441 works of classical literature — mainly Greco-Roman works — by 59 different authors, including “user-driven commentary and ‘reader’s choice’ Web sites.” A special feature are the full-text files of many of the works available via the site. The last major update was in 2007.

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Diotima is an interdisciplinary scholarly resource on gender in the ancient Mediterranean world and as a forum for collaboration among instructors who teach courses about women and gender in the ancient world. Diotima offers course materials, essays, bibliography, images, good links to related sites, a search feature, and a section on biblical studies. Last update was in 2006.

Exploring Ancient World Cultures: Greece
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Exploring Ancient World Cultures out of Evansville University is an on-line course supplement for students and teachers of the ancient and medieval worlds. Chapters are built around eight “cultures”: Near East, India, Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, Early Islam, and Medieval European. The Greece section provides an introduction to Ancient Greece and includes essays, a chronology, images, a quiz, and related links. There are also excerpts from the work of Plato and Socrates.. Unfortunately the site is no longer actively maintained. The searchable index no longer functions and the chronology and Argos components are gone.

Maecenas: Images of Ancient Greece and Rome
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These photographs were taken primarily for use in teaching by a professor at the University of Buffalo and can be used for any purpose except a commercial one. This website has been assisted by grants from the Classical Association of the Empire State and the Classical Association of the Atlantic States.

Odyssey Online
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The Odyssey Online project was developed to help educators teach using works of art from the ancient Near East, Egypt, Greece, Rome and Africa. Designed for elementary and middle school-aged students, the major sections include People, Daily Life, explores archaeology, Mythology, Death and Burial, and Writing. Sections include games and puzzles for kids. Last updated 2005.

BBC Schools: Ancient Greece Links to an external site.
This BBC school section is aimed at young students and explores the Olympic Games, conflict between Athens and Sparta, and Greek Theatre. There is a Flash-generated tour of the ancient Olympic games and Greek Theatre as well as a visual story of conflict in Mytilene.

The Last Days of Socrates Links to an external site.
The Last Days of Socrates aims to aid first year philosophy students read the Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and the death scene from the Phaedo. It contains a hyperlinked glossary and notes and is also available in Spanish.


The Battle of Thermopylae Links to an external site.
This BBC Radio 4 companion page includes audio of experts discussing: How important are the Greek/Persian wars to the story of democracy? Was the West and its values really so far removed from life in the Persian Empire?


Historical Collections – Antiqua Medicina: From Homer to Vesalius Links to an external site.
The University of Virginia Historical Collections and Services offers an interesting and insightful presentation on ancient medicine. The site goes “From Homer to Vesilius” though an extended series of essays illustrated via some excellent photos. Unfortunately it is a static presentation with no multimedia nor hyperlinks to related resources.


Mr. Dowling’s Electronic Passport: Ancient Greece Links to an external site.
Mr. Dowling’s Electronic Passport helps kids browse the world in his virtual classroom. He introduces you to many civilizations with clear explanations, engaging graphics for kids, and “cool links”. His helpful study guides, homework assignments and exams are free and available for you to print or to edit. However, the site’s dated design and lack of interactivity are not so “cool.”


Greek Medicine Links to an external site.
This site by the History of Medicine Division of the National Library of Medicine explores ancient Greek medicine, provides a timeline and vocabulary, and discusses Hippocrates, Aristotle, and other Greek physicians.


The Real Story of the Olympics  Links to an external site.
This site is from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and asks: Were the ancient Olympic games better than ours? More fair and square? More about sports and less about money? Are modern games more sexist? More political? It explores politics, commercialism, and the athletes themselves. There is a glossary, related links, and FAQs. Interesting content, though little interactivity. Last update appears to be in 2004.


The Ancient Olympics Links to an external site.
This BBC News World Service archive is a companion site to a four-part Discovery special in which Olympic triple-jumper Jonathan Edwards takes a look at the original Olympic Games. Information is sparse, the highlight being audio excerpts from the show.


Atlantis – True Story or Cautionary Tale? Links to an external site.
This National Geographic article points’s out that few scientists think Atlantis existed, but there remains much speculation and theories about its existence. Of note is the related video: Atlantis Volcano Devastated Ancient Egypt?

The Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology Links to an external site. The Ure Museum has one of the largest collections of Greek ceramics in Britain. The Museum’s Greek thematic section centers on Cultural Diversity in the Greek World.


Herodotus Project Links to an external site.
The Herodotus project is a free serialized translation of Inquiries by the Greek historian Herodotus along with extensive black-and-white photography of the locations and artifacts mentioned in the book. This site is updated monthly with photographic tours that are hyperlinked with the text.

Bryn Mawr Classical Review Links to an external site. publishes timely reviews of current scholarly work in the field of classical studies (including archaeology). Subscription to BMCR is free

Textkit Links to an external site. is an educational source for the study of Latin and classical Greek. It provides free and fully downloadable Greek and Latin grammars and readers, selected classical texts, and tutorials.


Oedipus the King: Introduction to Greek Drama Links to an external site.
There are some excellent resources as part of this PBS activity. The core information about Greek drama and playwrights can be found on this Web site under the following headings: How Salamis was remembered – Aeshylus’ The Persians (Event Page: 472 BC – The earliest surviving tragedy); The Origins of Theatre – The First Actor (Event Page: 534 BC Thespis becomes world’s first actor); The Origins of Theatre – The First Plays (continued); The Different Types of Greek Drama and their importance; and The Great Playwrights of Athens’ “Golden Age”.

Ancient Greek Olympics Links to an external site.
This four-day unit by Don Donn includes lesson plans for teachers and activities for students.

“The Daily Athenian”: A Greek Newspaper Project Links to an external site.
Working in small groups, students will produce sections of a historical newspaper or journal for publication in democratic Athens. Using the resources of a PBS Web site (as well as books and other resources listed in the Research Links & Resources Page) pick an approximate date and research stories for the newspaper. This section has been tailored for a newspaper about Athens during the time of Pericles, because of the greater amount of information available for that period. However, with some adaptation and additional research, it would be possible to compile newspapers for early or later periods. Grades 5 – 12.

Homeric Odyssey and the Cultivation of Justice” Links to an external site.
This is an online lecture and discussion series organized and led by Professor Gregory Nagy, Chair of the Department of Classics at Harvard University. It places a special emphasis on the heroic search for the goal of social justice. The series is now over, but you can access the readings, lecture notes, discussion questions, oral poetry notes, links, and video.

Oedipus the King: Ancient Greek Drama Links to an external site.
Read Sophocles’ famous work and explore what it reveals about ancient Greek culture. Grades 5 – 12. The goal of this activity is to gain an insight into Greek tragedy and such concepts such as fate, hubris, and (dramatic) irony.

Greek and Roman Land Use: What Was the Difference? Links to an external site.
In this National Geographic lesson students differentiate between the two civilizations’ practices of land and natural resource use. Students research Greek and Roman land use and illustrate maps with Greek and Roman land use practices.

Building a Greek Subway System Links to an external site.
This National Geographic lesson is intended for students grades 3 -5 who have already studied some of the basics of ancient Greek civilization. Students will investigate ancient Greek artifacts and artworks and will design museum exhibits to be placed in an Athens subway station.

Olympic Competition Links to an external site. In this National Geographic lesson students in grades K – 2 will discuss the concept of competition, see pictures of people participating in Olympic sports, and compare and contrast ancient and modern sports. Students will conclude by drawing pictures of themselves participating in both the ancient and the modern games.

Interview a Famous Greek Links to an external site.
Students will research and then role play famous ancient Greek citizens in a talk-show format and assemble an Ancient Grecian Hall of Fame. Grades 5 -12.

Parthenon Marbles (video) Links to an external site. The Parthenon is among the greatest national treasures of Greece, but important parts of it have been displayed at the British Museum in London for two centuries. Should they be returned to Athens?

An introduction to the Athenian Legal System
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Sections include Summons, Arrest, & Investigation, Preliminary Procedure, Courtroom Procedure, and Judgment & Punishment.

The Athenian Court and the American Court System Links to an external site.
Helpful comparison of the two systems. Includes teaching strategies

Pericles Funeral Oration Links to an external site.
This is considered a classic statement of ancient Athenian ideology and values.

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex Links to an external site.
This Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute teaching unit is useful for its extended background information, but perhaps more for its “Suggestions for Developing Students’ Understanding of the Play.”

Roger Dunkle’s Study Guide for Oedipus Rex Links to an external site. From the Classics Technology Center. “Exercise for Reading Comprehension and Interpretation” is essentially a long list of reading questions and hyperlinked terms. Interesting part about the hyperlinked terms is that they lead to a Glossary where you can hear the pronunciation of Greek words. See also his guide for Antigone Links to an external site.

Oedipus Game Links to an external site.
Students should enjoy playing the Oedipus Game from the Classics Pages. Kids answer timed multiple-choice questions in this simulation activity. Not as easy as it looks!

Greek Myths, Oedipus, … and Star Wars Links to an external site.
An English and History education student at Memorial University has come up with an interesting lesson which should prove interesting and demanding for students. It uses “The Return of the Jedi” to teach “timeless humanistic themes expressed through a culturally responsive drama”.

Two Faces of Greece: Athens and Sparta Links to an external site.
Compare Athenian and Spartan culture from a variety of perspectives and through creative presentation ideas. (Grades 5 – 12.)

An Ancient Odyssey: Exploring Ancient Greek Mythology and History through Geography Links to an external site.
In this New York Times lesson, students identify both the traditional myths and historical facts that are associated with geographical locations in ancient Greece. They then create a “Travel to Ancient Greece” display to present their findings.(October 23, 2002)

Mediterranean Mystery Solved: An Ancient Artifact Counts Modern technology cracks the code of “the world’s first computer.”  Links to an external site.
Edutopia article about Antikythera Mechanism, also considered the ancient computer.

Greek Music Video Contest Links to an external site.
An English teacher combines the following assignment with her honors level sophomores and watch the videos on “Greek Feast Day” when they each make an authentic Greek dish for a grade.

Mythological Character Research Links to an external site.
This High School project is to refine research skills in the library using the Internet, card catalogue, encyclopedias and To help students develop a character’s voice.

Xpedition Atlas printable Map of Greece Links to an external site.

Brief Review in Global History and Geography: Document Based Essays and Practice Tests Links to an external site.
PH@School’s Brief Review in Global History and Geography Web site provides multiple-choice questions from actual Regents exams. You can also practice your test-taking skills on document-based essay questions (DBQs), with the option of e-mailing answers directly to your teacher for review. See Achievements of the Ancient Empires.

A Tour of Ancient Olympia Links to an external site.
One version provides just photos and the other a QuickTime video tour. Students can also read about the athletes and sports of Ancient Greece.