Help! -- Canvas Support
If you are puzzled about how Canvas works or experience what appears to be a technical problem on our Canvas course platform, know that you have many resources at your disposal.
Look now at the lower left corner of this Canvas screen, at the bottom of the Global Navigation Toolbar (the black bar). You will see a question mark in a circle: below the circle is the world 'Help.' Click on this button to view the Canvas Guide, to report a problem to Canvas, and much else. That Help Button is always with you, on any page in Canvas.
Or -- Visit Virtual Valley
Virtual Valley is LAVC’s Distance Education Program. You can access information on the Virtual Valley website from the main LAVC webpage be selecting Online Classes. This is a one-stop shop for information for students and faculty regarding online classes at LAVC. The direct link to Virtual Valley is provided below.
Links to an external site..
- Virtual Valley has a help desk hosted by Israel Ortiz. Israel can be reached: By phone: 818.778.5834 or by email or Click here to view Israel’s video.
Links to an external site.. Israel’s contact information can be found on the main Virtual Valley webpage under “Help” in the left menu bar.
- The summer semester hours for the help desk are as follows: June 13-July 15 Monday -Thursday 12pm – 6 p.m. Closed Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays.
If you have a course related issue (course content, assignment troubles, quiz difficulties) please do the following in this sequence:
- Read the Course Syllabus again, carefully.
- Consult the “FAQ” and “Q&A” pages under the Course Home. If your question is not answered there, post your question and I or your fellow-students will help you.
- E-mail me. However, email me only if 1.) you have a question about a grade or 2.) you wish to report a breach in netiquette on our course website. To contact me, click on the Inbox on the Global Navigation bar or the People link on the Course Navigation bar.
Computer or Internet Access Problems
Whenever you have what appears to be a technical problem with the Canvas platform, you must immediately notify Tech Support. This is essential. Emailing Support not only documents your problem and your attempt to solve the problem, but the Support cannot help you unless it knows you have a problem. Tech Support will give a job ticket to your case. Write this down and use it whenever you contact me about your case.
For this online course, you are responsible, of course, for the good repair of your own computer equipment and internet connection: both. Thinking you can take and pass an online course without a reliable computer and internet connection is a bit like thinking you can become a good driver without a car.
Any assignment that is missed or late because of your own technical problems cannot be made up.
Scope out a backup computer and internet connection, now, in case of emergencies later. You'll be glad you did.