Course Syllabus

Welcome to Pierce College Welding Department

Los Angeles Pierce College-



FALL 2021


Welding 361 (HYBRID)

Tungsten Inert Gas Welding I

Section 21945 (3 Unit)

Instructor:  D. Thompson

Office: 818-710-4304



Course Meeting Times/Location: Monday and Wednesday 5:45 p.m. - 8:55p.m. 

 Rm 3805 (Weld Shop)

Office hours:  Monday -Thursday 4:20 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. Room 3805


This is a hybrid welding course. Safety, assignments and assessments will be given online.


I welcome you to contact me outside of class and during my office hours. I try to maintain an open door policy at all times. If you feel the need to talk to me, at any time please pull me to the side and let’s talk. You may also email me or call my office and leave a message.




Upon completion of Electric Welding 361, student will be able to:


  • Set up and operate Gas Tungsten Arc Welding machines.
  • Catalog states student will receive solid foundation in the principle and practices necessary to construct weldments using Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW). However; due to changes students will be introduced to stainless steel in the Tungsten Inert Gas Welding I process.
  • Student will receive introduction to set-up machines GMAW in Weld 462.
  • Make successful welds in the flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead positions.
  • Students will weld on aluminum, and be introduced to stainless steel.


  1. SLO’S


  • Students will set up and operate the Gas Tungsten Arc welding machines.


  • Students will make successful welds in the flat, horizontal, and vertical positions.


  • Students will successful weld on aluminum, and be introduced to stainless steel.



Modern Welding 12th Edition, Andrew D. Althouse, Carl H. Turnquist, William A. Bowditch, Kevin E. Bowditch, and Mark A. Bowditch

             ISBN: 978-1-63563-686-4


Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Handbook, 6th edition, by: William H Minnick and Mark A. Prosser, ISBN 978-1-60525-793-8

A notebook for handouts notes is required. Notebooks checks for finals.

Flashcards for shop notes.







  • Welding helmet with #11 or #12 lens
  • Safety glasses
  • Welding cap
  • Leather gloves
  • Small stainless wire brush
  • Cotton long sleeve shirt or leather jacket
  • AK-4, AK-9 parts kit for LW-20 GTAW Torch
  • Safety Goggles




  • Cotton pants (no cuffs)
  • Long sleeve cotton shirt
  • Leather work shoes (no tennis shoes)
  • Welding cap




     WEEK#                            SUBJECT


  • Aluminum and stainless steel

Beading - flat position

Lap joint – flat position

Butt joint –flat position

Tee joint – flat position


  • Beading – horizontal

Lap joint – horizontal

Butt joint – horizontal

Tee joint – horizontal

Inside corner box – horizontal


7-10                            Beading - vertical

Lap joint – vertical

Butt joint – vertical

Tee joint – vertical

Water tray – vertical


11-13                                     Combination Welding Assignments Bolts

Combination box – overhead 


  • Gas Metal Arc Welding

Aluminum and carbon steel

Beading – flat    

Lap joint – flat     

Butt joint – flat     

Tee joint – flat         


             16                                       Final Examination



Your course grade will be based on the following:


  1. Quizzes (7 x 25) =165
  2. Instructor Interview = 10
  3. Instructor Meeting = 10
  4. Welding Lab Projects = 190
  5. Midterm=75
  6. Final exam = 250


Total Points Possible = 500

Grade Break Down:

650 - 700   – A

600 - 649   – B

550 - 599   – C

500 - 549   – D

Below 500 – F



Classroom Policy- All students are expected to observe the following rules:


  • Attendance Policy- Attendance is mandatory. Students are to be prepared to begin welding at 5:45p.m., not 5:50p.m., do not come into the welding shop sign in, and return to your locker to get dressed. That will be considered a tardy. Students are expected to attend every class meeting, and arrive on time, and stay throughout the class period. Students who leave 20 minutes prior to the class ending will be marked absent. Students may be dropped from class for excessive tardiness, failure to attend class the first day or during the first week of the class. Students who acquire, 3 tardies will be recorded with 1 absent. Students who acquire, 3 absences will have cause for being dropped from class. Attendance is critical for being successful in this class. Any appointments should be scheduled so that it will not conflict with class lab or lecture. Students who do not sign in and out will be marked as absent, No Exceptions. It is your responsibility to sign in, and out for each class session. This is something the unions will require of you so, this class is preparing your for good habits on the job, and during apprenticeship.


  • Due to OSHA safety guidelines, NO smoking, tobacco products and/or vapors in the weld bay or class room, or within 50ft.of the welding doors, class, or shop. This is everyone’s first warning. THIS IS YOUR ONLY WARNING. Students will be dropped from class, for any violation. Pierce is a smoke-free zone. However; the school has allowed smoking sections away from the buildings. Utilize your break time to smoke not during welding time, for those who wish to smoke, you will have to walk across the street and smoke in the parking lot. You can go to the website and obtain a copy of the smoking sections. The smoking sections are marked with a key. DO NOT SMOKE NEAR WELDING SHOP AT ALL! Do Not Smoke Within 50ft. of Posted Signs!


  • No cell phones, video games, I -pods, or any electronic devices such as I-pads, tablets, I-Watches, or laptops allowed in classroom or weld bay. No taping of lectures is permitted in classroom. I do not give permission to taping any lectures or lab work. Due to safety issues, this is everyone’s first warning. If you are caught on your phone or your phone goes off in the weld bay/ classroom that will be your second warning, you will be asked to leave for the day. Third offense you will be dropped from class. Remember: Please turn your ringer off on all phones, remove ear buds from ears, and put them away prior to coming in the class room. Do not have electronics in view of public.


  • Keep welding stations clean after using, make sure that you sweep and clean up after yourself. Roll up hoses and place them on the stations properly. Do not leave station dirty with material or equipment at all. First offense, a warning will be given, second offense, you will be asked to leave for the day. Third warning you will be dropped from the class for not adhering to policy. Welders are responsible for keeping their area clean, due to OSHA safety rules. Having an untidy area may be caused to injury and/or accidents. Keep the shop clean, upon leaving. Clean up any papers, or garbage that you may have left.


  • Wear appropriate attire to class in the welding bay. No hats, baseball caps, or sunglasses to be worn in class room. Comeauxs are acceptable.


  • No talking during class presentation.


  1. No make-up tests, quizzes or exams will be given, No Exceptions!


  1. Talk to me because I want to help you. The earlier in the semester you do this the better. J


  1. All students are welcomed to come to office hours, to check the status of your grade and assignments missed. No late assignments will be accepted late, so stay aware of what is required of you for the class. I need for you to obtain the phone numbers and emails of 3 students in the class. If you miss class call them to get the information that you missed from the class. It is not my job to repeat a class lesson for students who miss lecture or assignments.


  1. No idle conversations in the weld bay. If you are not welding you should be prepping your work, by cutting, grinding and setting-up plates. No huddling in the weld shop during class time. You will receive a warning the first time and will be sent out the weld bay second time for the day.


  1. Students are not to park in the faculty parking lot at all! The parking lots outside the welding class and bay are for staff and faculty only! YOU WILL BE TICKETED!




















Services and Programs:


  • Bookstore: Purchase your textbooks, education materials or rent your text book. Visit the bookstore to find your course materials and policies for textbook rentals and store refund or exchange. Contact: (818) 719-6420



  • Counseling: Our goal is to help students clarify their goals, realistically evaluate their own strengths and challenges, and learn to develop their planning skills to achieve their goals. The Counselors at Los Angeles Pierce College are trained in educational planning, career planning and personal counseling. We recognize that this is a process and doesn't happen in one visit. Location: Student Services Building, 1st Contact: (818) 719-6440


  • Crisis Resources: Crisis & Helplines, information for all kinds of services. Crisis Text Line for Community College Students: Text “Courage” to 741741

Website: (Links to an external site.)   Contact:  2-1-1 or (800) 339-6993.      For more information visit: (Links to an external site.)



  • Financial Assistance: Sponsors various Events & Workshops throughout the semester, on Financial Literacy, Foster Youth Support, Homeless Resources and Free Scholarship Search Sites. They offer various Scholarship and Grant Opportunities for students. Location: Student Service Building, 2nd Floor, Rm:48210, Contact: (818) 719-6428



  • First Year Experience: If you are a current student in your first year at Pierce and/or have under 24 units and are looking for assistance in clarifying your educational goals, picking a major, or determining what classes to take, come visit us in our First-Year Experience (FYE) Counseling Center. We have a variety of counseling services available to assist you. Location: Lower Level of Library Rm: LLC 5110, Contact: (818) 610-6508
  • Library: Any currently enrolled LACCD student. Students must be currently enrolled in a class at Pierce to borrow or reserve materials and reserve group study rooms. The library communicates with users through their student email accounts. Make sure to check your email for reminder and overdue notices. Your Student ID card is your library card. Current ID cards from any LACCD campus will be accepted. You must show your Student ID card to borrow materials. Student ID cards can be obtained from Copy Tech (Links to an external site.). Reference Desk: (818) 710-2833, Circulation Desk (818) 719-6409 Email:
  • Sheriff’s Office: Located on Avenue of The Champions next to the tennis courts. For general information such as parking citations, the appeal process and lost and found you can call 818-710-6450. * In an Emergency Only, dial 4311 or 818-710-4311 from any campus phone. Do Not Call 911


  • Special Services: If you have a disability, you are encouraged to contact Special Services at (818) 719-6430 Their office is located in the Student Services Building, Rm: 48175. They will help you determine what assistance is available for you. Email:


  • American Disability Act:

Students with disabilities, whether physical, learning, or psychological, who believe that they may need accommodations in this class, are encouraged to contact Special Services as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely manner. Authorization, based on verification of disability, is required before any accommodations can be made. The number for Special Services is (818) 719-6430) and they are in the Student Services Building, #4800


Any student who has a disability and has special needs is to alert me of this with proper verification no later than the second week of each semester so that special accommodations can be made. Arrangements must be made every semester, not yearly.


  • Student Health Center: Medical and mental health services are available to all currently enrolled students at the Student Health Center. There is no cost to students to see any of the medical and mental health providers during extended office hours. We are now Family PACT providers too. Call 818-710-4270 to make an appointment or to ask a question. Located on the 2nd floor of the Student Services Building. Like us on Facebook, follow and tag us on Instagram #PierceSHC or visit our website: (Links to an external site.)
  • The Center for Academic Success: The CAS provides one-to-one tutoring, small-group tutoring, and workshops in a variety of subjects offered by the college. English, math, and ESL tutoring is provided during all hours of operation. Workshops and tutoring in all other subjects have schedules that are available on this website or in the CAS. All services are free and available on a walk-in basis. No appointments are necessary, but feel free to call ahead for wait times, schedules, and changes.

Location: Library & Learning Crossroads Building Rm: 5130 (1st Floor) Contact: (818) 719-6414



Course Policy and Procedures:


  • Academic Dishonesty: The faculty and administration of Pierce College are committed to the belief that honesty and integrity are integral components of the academic process. The College expects students to be honest and ethical at all times in their pursuit of academic goals. Students who violate the code of academic conduct by which the College maintains its academic integrity will be dealt with in a manner reflecting the seriousness of the violations. (Pierce Catalog 2019-2020)


LACCD student code of conduct as it relates to student dishonesty (Board Rule 9803.28) as follows: "Violations of academic integrity of any type by a student provides grounds for disciplinary action by the instructor or college. Violations of Academic Integrity include, but are not limited to, the following actions: cheating on an exam, plagiarism, working together on an assignment, paper or project when the instructor has specifically stated students should not do so, submitting the same term paper to more than one instructor, or allowing another individual to assume one's identity for enhancing one's grade. More information can be received from the Standards of Student Conduct refer to the college catalog available in hardcopy and online at (Links to an external site.)."



  • Cheating on examinations, assignments or experiments (allowing another student to copy one’s answers or copying the answers of other students; exchanging information by any means, including verbal exchanges, sign language, hand signals, secret codes, passed notes, creation of a distraction for the purpose of cheating; changing answers on a previously scored test, assignment or experiment; inventing information and/or data.)


  • Plagiarizing submitting for a grade the words, ideas, and/or written work (including laboratory notes and drawings) of another person without giving due credit to that person. This includes purchased papers or papers written by other students.


  • Attendance: Students are expected to be in class on time and to remain for the entire class period. Medical appointments, work, job interviews, childcare responsibilities, etc. should be arranged so as not to occur during class time. Please do not make requests for exceptions. Any student who has unexcused absences equaling one week’s worth of class time prior to census date may be excluded. If a student is absent when an assignment is due, it is the student’s responsibility to make prior arrangement with the instructor to turn in the assignment.



  • Drops/Withdrawals/Exclusions: It is the intent of the instructor to drop or exclude students who are not actively taking this course, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to drop or withdraw from the course. Students who fail to do such, accept the responsibility for the grade they receive in the class.


  • Use of Technology: All cell phones must be silenced during class and texting is not permitted. If there is an emergency and you must take a call, excuse yourself quietly and conduct your conversation outside the classroom or welding bay.


  • Assignments: All assignments are due on the dates indicated on your assignment sheets. Late assignments require instructors’ approval prior to submission.





Syllabus/ Schedule tentative to change.