CH DEV 001 : Child Growth&Develop - Rosner B. - SPRING 2021 - SECTION# 24786

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WELCOME to Child Development 1 Spring 2021

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Child Development 1. Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, our class  is  completely online and asynchronous.  Which means, there is no specific day or time that we meet online.  You access the materials , going at the speed that works for you, but being mindful of  the discussion and assignment due dates.  There will be something due each week. This class is organized in modules.  There are 15 modules which will contain the readings, videos, and assignments for that module. You do not need to purchase a book. The chapters of the book are divided into each module, they are short and user friendly and there are also several videos to watch in each module.  In each module there will either be a discussion questions, an exam, or an observation assignment.  Some will have more then one.  Again, be sure to stay aware of due dates. 

Be sure to check your Pierce email as I will update you often, and Canvas will only send it through you school email.  Also, I know things happen during the semester, we are still in a pandemic, so if something happens and you need some assistance, or more time, be sure to let me know as soon as possible.

I am also available to you by email, or if you would like we can set up a meeting over Zoom. I will have office hours each week on Tuesdays 4:30 pm- 5:30 pm, but if you would like an individual meeting, please contact me.

Here is a quick overview of important information to be successful in this course:

1) Syllabus: There is a syllabus document attached and a syllabus section in Canvas that lists due dates. Make sure to review the syllabus document. If you have a question, please check the syllabus. You are expected to read the course syllabus at the beginning of the course.

Syllabus Section in Canvas -- Due dates are listed in the online section called "syllabus." 

The syllabus will be in Canvas about a week before class starts.

2) Technical Assistance: For technical assistance with Canvas, please contact Pierce Online (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Links to an external site. You can Self-enroll in LAPC Student Canvas Resource shell, to have access to great tutorials and resources.  You can also Google search your Canvas question as well.

3) Questions: When you have a question, first read other student questions and answers in the Q & A Forum (you can find Q & A under Modules) and if your question is not posted there, please make sure to post it. If you know an answer, feel free to assist your classmates. We are a community of learners!

4) Textbook: You will NOT purchase a textbook for this course.  BOOK: OER Child Growth and Development (in the Intro Module) to access a FREE textbook resource. If you would like the entire book , use the link, the book will not download into Canvas in that place. Also, students will focus on content in the module. The chapters for the week from the book are within the modules along with videos on the topics. 

5) DUE dates: Assignment are due on Sunday's by 11:00 pm, with the exception of the first and last week of class. Assignments are listed in Canvas under the assignment, in the module section and also in the syllabus section of Canvas. Please track DUE DATES. You must complete all of the assignments and discussions during the assigned week and by the DUE date.  NOTE: You can log into this class any time, any day, 24/7. It is up to YOU to get the work done by the deadline.  Late assignments are NOT accepted. The assignment due dates are firm. Canvas Locks Out: You will be locked out from submission at 11:00 even if you are halfway through your assignment. Submit assignments before 11:00 pm so that you do not risk getting locked out. You will lose the points for the assignment if you are locked out.

6) Modules: There is a section titled Modules -- This is where you can link directly to activities, discussions, exams and assignments. You can hit the "Next" button on the page and scroll through all of the resources and videos for the Module. Be sure to read the material and watch the videos that were selected.  

7) Submitting Assignments: The best way to submit your work is to work in Microsoft Word on your computer and then copy and paste it into the submission box. By typing in Word and copy/pasting, there is little chance of losing your work because of a connection error.

8) Discussions: Discussion assignments are due every week.  First, you have to respond to the question and then you will be able to read other responses. Note: when responding to the question, you need to bring in supporting evidence from the readings/videos. Discussions should be professional and articulate. Please review the rubric.

9) Following Directions: For full credit, please be sure to read assignment directions carefully. 

10) Instructor Contact: To reach me, please send me a message through Canvas.  During the week I will typically respond within 24 - 48 hours. Friday evening through Sunday, you may not get a response until Monday at the earliest.

I am looking forward to a great class!

Barbra Rosner, MA


  • Identify, discuss and compare major physical, cognitive, social, emotional and language developmental milestones, theoretical frameworks and characteristics of typical and atypical development from conception through adolescence, by evaluating and applying developmental theory in observations, surveys and interviews to analyze, create and plan age-appropriate activities and environments. (Assessed through observation assignment and exam questions)


Course Navigation 


To begin the course, please select one of the following buttons.

  • Please begin by reviewing the Syllabus
  • When you are ready to begin the course, select Modules
  • Be sure to regularly check Course Info for recent Announcements
  • If you have any questions or need support, select the Support button
