Course Syllabus

How do I use the Syllabus as an instructor?

*** You can copy and paste your syllabus here from a word processing document


Course #, Course Title


Course Description


Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Participants will .....................

Class Meetings

Will there be synchronous meetings required for your class? If so, when? Or will all material and activities be offered asynchronously, meaning the students can access them anytime?  The more flexible you are the more your students will succeed.

Instructor Contact

[Your Name Here]



Office Hours: [days, hours, place]

Required Textbook:


Grading Policy:


Grading Scale:


Extra credit:


Materials Needed:



[Take information from your syllabus and add to this section]


Read the course syllabus. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT! Be sure you understand all course policies, when quizzes and homework are due, know how you will be graded and are aware of important due dates. If you have questions about course policies, contact me via CANVAS email so I can clarify the issue.

Pay attention to deadlines and assignment dates. This is BIG!  When you don't check for class updates or get your assignments in on time it’s very easy to fall behind in the class. 

 Don’t be afraid to ask questions. My professors always told me that there are no “dumb” questions in academia. Most of the time, your confusion is shared with your peers, so asking questions not only benefits yourself but also your classmates! You can email me in CANVAS.

Have a backup plan. All computers eventually suffer failures. Have a plan in case yours goes down; know where you can find a backup computer in case of emergency and know how to operate its various programs. Back up or copy your homework onto your email account/ or back-up disk regularly.

Log onto CANVAS Frequently. You should try to log on at least once a day (at least five days a week and more often if possible). Develop a logon routine that's comfortable with your schedule. Online classes tend to generate a large number of posts and announcements. If you don't logon for a few days you will be overwhelmed and might have trouble catching up.

Respond promptly to messages. In the online environment, you are invisible to the rest of the class. If you don't respond, we will think you didn't get the message or don't want to respond. When you respond it's like saying, "I'm here!" If you can't respond immediately, at least send a quick note saying "I received your message and will reply this evening."

Participate. You attend the online class by participating. You send messages and complete assignments before the due date; that's how you show that you are "present." If you lurk (remain silent) then you are "absent."

Key Note:

Each week check your weekly overview schedule for homework assignments etc.  Give yourself plenty of time to turn in assignments, participate in discussions, and take test..  Do not wait till the last minute to turn in assignments.  Did I mention, Please don't wait until the last minute to turn in work.  Burning the midnight hour, stress levels can rise.


  1. This class does not require on-campus meetings.
  2. This course website is password protected. Do not give your password to anybody else.  Only you and your instructor will have access to your grades via the website.
  3. If you are using AOL or ATT, be aware of the time limit factor- they may close you down without warning, so be sure to save your work often.
  4. This site is best view in Google chrome browser
  5. When you submit an assignment or correspondence, please allow up to one week for a reply from the instructor.  Please be patience as your instructor is grading 40-50 submissions.

Course Format:

  • There are specific DUE dates for each homework, assignment, quiz and graded discussion to keep the pace going. All homework, assignments, quizzes and graded discussions have open and closed dates . 
  • Questions/Discussion section of this course will never close.
  • When you submit an assignment or correspondence, please allow up to one week for a reply from the instructor.  Please be patience as your instructor is grading 40-50 submissions.
  • Grade discussion forums have open and close dates.  You must submit your essay and response within the dates posted.
  • Modules (the lessons) are always open. You can read ahead and practice ahead on your own,   
  • No assignment , quizzes or discussion forums will be reopened after the closed period is over for any reason. No exceptions.
  • Quizzes
    • Quizzes are taken online through Canvas. Once quizzes are submitted, they are scored automatically, and the scores are posted automatically as well. (See Modules for due dates.)
    • Be sure to study the material assigned before you attempt the quizzes. You get only one chance to take each quiz, but once is enough if you are prepared. The quizzes are "open" for a limited time, so be mindful of due dates and submission times. Once the quiz is "closed," it is no longer available. Quizzes are accessed from the Quizzes tab on CanvasIf you have problems accessing the quizzes, please send me a private message right away or call the Distance Learning Department (323)415-5313.
  • Watch Your Deadlines Very Carefully 
    • Late work will not be accepted, and there are no exceptions. Experience has shown that it is extremely difficult for students to pass this course once they have fallen behind; therefore, be mindful of due dates.
  • Give Yourself Enough Time to Succeed
    • Schedule plenty of time every week to complete the assignments. Writing is time-consuming; it can't be rushed.
  • This course website is password protected. Do not give your password to anybody else. Only you and your instructor will have access to your grades via the website.
  • Assignments
    •  Assignments will either be from the textbook and submitted on Canvas or from the Professor and submitted on Canvas.  See Modules and the assignment page for due dates and times).
    • Please note that without the required submissions of each assignment, you will not get credit for the assignment. Grading rubric and model answer is posted for assignments on the assignment page.
    • Read the Comments and Corrections You Receive on Your Written Work.
    • When working in Canvas, be sure to save your work often so that if the server times you out, you won’t lose any coursework.
    •  If you don't understand the comment or correction, be sure to ask for clarification. The feedback on your written work is very important because the expectation is that you will learn to avoid making the same errors on subsequent assignments.
  • Watch Your Spelling
    •  Spelling is a basic. Always check your spelling very carefully before you submit your work.  Please use spell check.
  • Discussion Forum
    • There are Discussion Forums set in this course with topics for you to participate in. (See Modules and Discussions for due dates.) These Discussion Forum Topics provide you with valuable learning opportunities:
    • You will learn more about your classmates. This course is an online learning community, so it is important that all of the community members "gather" and share and learn from one another.
    • You will be able to communicate with your classmates on the Discussion Forum. Feel free to comment on what others write; as with so many other things, the more you offer, the more you receive, so take the time to be a thoughtful, active participant.
    • I will monitor and participate in the Discussion Forum; I look forward to reading your posts.
      • On the Discussion Forum, be sure to:
      • Be respectful of others.
      • Observe the due dates.
      • Write in complete sentences

Web Etiquette

Some helpful hints with regards to taking an online class

  1. Be respectful to your fellow classmates and instructor - be aware that what you write may be misconstrued, so think about it before you send it
  2. Do not write in all capitals - this is considered SHOUTING
  3. Do not belittle any of your classmates opinions/ideas - everyone is entitled to their own ideas whether you agree or not, it is OK to disagree in a constructive way
  4. Do not expect immediate responses to questions - just because this is an online class does not mean that fellow students and/or the instructor is always online and available.  All questions will be answered within 48 hours unless it is a weekend, then questions will be answered on Monday.

Academic Integrity
If you have not done so, please read the “East Los Angeles College Policy on Academic
Honesty” in the ELAC Schedule of Classes. Furthermore, the LACCD Board Rule on
Academic Dishonesty states the following: Violations of Academic Integrity include, but
are not limited to, the following actions: cheating on an exam, plagiarism, working
together on an assignment, paper or project when the instructor has specifically stated
students should not do so, submitting the same term paper to more than one instructor,
or allowing another individual to assume one’s identity for the purpose of enhancing
one’s grade (LACCD Board Rule, 9803.28).
Consequently, cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty will result
in an F and leads to suspension or expulsion from LACCD.

Student Code of Conduct:

A student enrolling in one of the Los Angeles Community Colleges may rightfully expect that the faculty and administrators will maintain an environment in which there is freedom to learn. This requires that there be appropriate conditions and opportunities in the classroom and on the campus. As members of the College Community, students should be encouraged to develop the capacity for critical judgment to engage in sustained and independent search for truth and to exercise their rights to free inquiry and free speech in a responsible, non-violent manner.

Students shall respect and obey civil and criminal law, and shall be Subject to legal penalties for violation of laws of the city, county, state, and nation.

Student conduct in all of the Los Angeles Community Colleges must conform to District and College rules and regulations. Violations of such rules and regulations, for which students are Subject to disciplinary action, include, but are not limited to, the following: Any questions concerning standards of student conduct and student rights should contact the Vice President of Student Services in E1.

Student Services
ELAC offers a diversity of student services and support programs which can assist you with
maximizing your success here at ELAC. Whether you have special needs that will affect your
performance in class or would like additional resources to ensure your success, consider
visiting the following offices:

Online Learning:  Assistance with online/hybrid and web-enhance classes using Canvas.Have you visited our Distance Learning online website page?  There is a great wealth of information.  Well worth your time to take a look.  East Los Angeles Distance Learning Department offers Canvas technical support and provides comprehensive services. If you have technology-related questions or problems, the Distance Learning Department can help you. 

Online Learning Website:


Phone: (323) 415-5313

DSPS: If you are a student with a disability requiring online accommodations, please contact DSPS here at ELAC to meet with a DSPS counselor.   Accommodations are provided for students with disabilities registered at the DSPS Office.
Room: E1 -160 Tel: (323) 265-8787

Room: E1-227 Tel: (323) 265-8769

Financial Aid:
Room: E1 -173 Tel: (323) 265-8738

Learning Assistance Center: East Los Angeles College Learning Center offers tutorial support your subject.  Take advantage of this resource!
Room: E3-280 Tel: (323) 265-8762

Transfer Center:
Room: D7 Tel: (323) 265-8623

Writing Center:
Room: E3-220 Tel: (323)415-4147

Progress Report

If you enrolled in EOPS, CalWorks or DSP&S program, they require a progress report from the instructor. If you need a progress report, send me a message through Canvas “Inbox” with your full name with student ID. I will send you the report back through the “Inbox”. NOTE: CalWorks and DSP&S programs do accept EOPS PVR (Progress Verification Report)

Online Discussion Rubric

Online Discussion Rubric





Delivery of Post

Utilizes poor spelling and grammar in most posts; posts appear "hasty"

Errors in spelling and grammar evidenced in several posts


Consistently uses grammatically correct posts with rare misspellings

Relevance of Post

Posts topics which do not relate to the discussion content; makes short or irrelevant remarks

Occasionally posts off topic; most posts are short in length and offer no further insight into the topic


Consistently posts topics related to discussion topic; cites additional references related to topic

Expression Within

the Post

Does not express opinions or ideas clearly; no connection to topic.

Unclear connection to topic evidenced in minimal expression of opinions or ideas


Unclear connection to topic evidenced in minimal expression of opinions or ideas


Expresses opinions and ideas in a clear and concise manner with obvious connection to topic

Number of post

Post essay only


Post comment once to students post


Post comment to two students post




Course Summary:

Date Details Due