Lec Exam 4 Fall 21 (Remotely Proctored)

  • Due Nov 30, 2021 at 11:58pm
  • Points 54
  • Questions 54
  • Available Nov 30, 2021 at 1pm - Nov 30, 2021 at 11:58pm 10 hours and 58 minutes
  • Time Limit 54 Minutes


You should have downloaded already PROCTORIO from the Sample Practice Exam and you are using the same computer.

54 questions; 60 seconds per question; Total time= 54 minutes

Copy of instructions:

All assessments will be monitored for cheating using the Proctorio software. You will need a computer with a microphone. You will also need to download the Google Chrome web browser and add the Proctorio extension. CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD PROCTORIO.  Click on the link below and follow the instructions to set-up Proctorio on your computer. You will not be able to take any assessments until Proctorio is installed onto your computer.

We appreciate and respect that remote proctoring solutions raise privacy and security concerns for our test takers. However, we also know the value of exams with upheld integrity to ensure the validity of online courses and degrees. With that in mind, we are extending every possible effort to ensure our students’ privacy and comfortability while using our product.

Click Here to Get Started With Proctorio

This is a multiple-choice exam, matching, true/false, or type-in answers. This exam will be proctored using Proctorio, which will record within your environment. Therefore, your computer must be audio enabled. Use Google Chrome web browser, not Internet Explorer, Safari, or Firefox. Proctorio will record your keystroke movements, mouse activity, and IP address such that IF AN EXTRA LAPTOP IS USED, the IP address will trigger a report to the instructor. The privacy of these recordings is through PROCTORIO and data is confidential. There must not be anyone else in the room with you. If you attempt to look up answers on your computer, Proctorio will record that as well. In the event that PROCTORIO removed your access within the exam due to unscrupulous activity,  the student has to meet with the instructor and discuss the violation. Therefore, it is important you keep your eyes on the screen, limit movements, and do not open/close screens on your computer. You must take the assessment in a room without other people in it to limit the possibility of cheating. The instructor will receive the report of your assessment once it is submitted. Students suspected of cheating will receive an F for that assessment and report to the Dean of Student Services for further disciplinary action.

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