Course Syllabus

Basic Skills 201 CE GED

Math Section 24307


Instructor: Jose Gutierrez


Office Contact:



I will be available on Monday  and Wednesday from 9:00 am to 12:20 pm.

My email is or I can be reached by phone or text message at

323-633-4420. I will be able to respond to your inquiries immediately during that time. Please allow 24-36 hours for a response at any other time.

Check your email daily as this is the best communication method. I will not respond to inquiries during the weekend. If you don't hear from me within 36 hours, please resubmit your inquiry. I may not have received the message. The questions and answers section in the discussion forum is a great resource and can provide the answer you are looking for.


Class Meeting Schedule

on  Monday  and Wednesday from 9:00 am to 12:20 pm.

Online synchronous (Zoom and Canvas)

 Class Description:

This course is designed to review the skills required to take the math test. It also includes guidance to students in note-taking, study, and organizational skills required for success in college.

This course will cover basic math facts. It will provide many resources and strategies. It will also have practice resources and recommended books. You need to attend class on meeting days and finish assignments on canvas. You will receive credit for canvas time and online meetings, both of which will count toward your class attendance.

 Score or Criteria

The non-credit progress indicators are:

  •         Pass (P),
  •         Satisfactory Progress (SP)
  •         No Pass (NP).

Your participation and completion of all tasks with 60% -70% correct answers will result in an SP rating. A 71% or more correct answer will result in a passing grade (P) for the semester. Progress indicators in the non-credit course are NOT calculated on one's grade point average and DO NOT affect one's financial aid as they have no unit value. A Pass is required for this course to be counted towards a Professional Development and Certificate of Completion / College Prep Competency (CDCP). See the online catalog for more information on non-credit CDCP certificates at: or see a non-credit program counselor.

 Classroom Policies and Attendance

Students are expected to behave with integrity and act like adults, demonstrating respect for the course instructor, their peers, and themselves.

Students who sign up and miss the first day the class meets may lose their right to a place in the class. The instructor can exclude you from the class if you are absent more than 10% of the class meetings. If the instructor determines that there are no extenuating circumstances that could justify the absences, the instructor may exclude a student from the class. Students are responsible for officially dropping a class they stop attending. Students can re-add the class at any time if space is available.

Students are expected to attend each and every class session. Leaving early, except in the rare case of an emergency, is considered inappropriate. In a special situation, where a student needs to leave early, he / she should discuss the matter with the instructor before class. Students who are inactive in the class will be removed (if the student returns, they can be added again if their class has seats available).


Policies, Expectations, and Discrimination

All students are expected to comply with all policies in the code of conduct from the Los Angeles Community College District.

It is the policy of the Community College District to provide an education, employment, and business free from discrimination, as defined in Board Rule 15003. Specific rules and procedures for reporting complaints of prohibited discrimination and for pursuing remedies are included in Administrative Regulation C-14. A copy of the Title IX Coordinating Deputy may be obtained from the District Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Each employee has the responsibility to report such conduct to the Title IX Coordinator or the District's Diversity & Inclusion Office when it is directed at students. For assistance, contact the Title IX Deputy Coordinator at (213) 891-2315, or

 Reasonable Accommodations

Students with a verified disability who may need authorized accommodations for this class are suggested to notify instructor and Office of Special Services Visit OSS at Cranium Café

Reasonable accommodations will be provided for students with disabilities. Speak to the instructor before class starts concerning this matter.

Textbook / Supplies

Large and small notebook, 3-ring binder, scientific calculator, or TI-30XS GED calculator.



    1. Algebraic Expressions and Vocabulary
    2. Equations
    3. Exponents
    4. Roots
    5. Functions
    6. Linear equations with one variable
    7. Linear equations with two variables
    8. Quadratic formula
    9. Factorization
    10. Inequalities
    11. Slope
    12. Coordinate plane
    13. Evaluating and Comparing Functions
    14. Plotting Ordered pairs



    1. Triangles and Quadrilateral Shapes
    2. Irregular figures
    3. Angles
    4. Lines and angles
    5. Pythagorean theorem
    6. Applying formulas
    7. Area
    8. Perimeter
    9. Volume


Learning outcomes:

By successfully completing this course the student will be able to:

  •         Demonstrate a core knowledge of basic mathematical concepts.
  •         Solve basic mathematical, algebraic and geometric problems.
  •         Demonstrate knowledge in basic definitions and results.
  •         Design a strategy to develop and solve a mathematical problem.
  •         They will be able to verify plausibility of a solution.
  •         Demonstrate the ability to understand and transmit basic mathematical writing.
  •         They will be able to adequately communicate basic mathematical ideas orally and in writing.


Use of face masks / covering on campus In accordance with Health Orders of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Los Angeles Community College District, Board Policy 2800, approved August 4, 2021, All students, employees, and visitors, regardless of immunization status, must wear a mask or cover their face while within any building, classroom, library, gymnasium, facility, or other indoor District setting. These requirements are established to meet the Board's legal obligation to protect its students, faculty, employees, and visitors from the risks associated with the spread of infectious diseases, including the spread of the COVID-19 virus and its variants. Students who do not wear a face mask / cover while indoors at all LACCD colleges and facilities, including classrooms, will be asked to comply or leave the classroom immediately. Continued noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Student Code of Conduct as outlined in Board Policy 5500 and students may be subject to further disciplinary action. Pursuant to Education Code Section 76032, students may be removed from class for up to two (2) class sessions for refusing to wear the mask / face covering required by this Board Policy. Additional or repeated offenses may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Education Code, Board Rules, and Board Policy. The exceptions to the mask / face covering requirement are for the student to have a valid medical exception currently on file with their university's Disability Programs and Services office / Office of Special Services (DSPS / OSS), such as a medical condition, including mental health or disability, which prevents the use of a mask, or, for students who are hearing impaired or who communicate with a person with a hearing impairment, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication. To facilitate the use of sign language in the classroom, teachers and sign language interpreters may remove the face covering for instructional purposes only. In such cases, teachers and interpreters must maintain a distance of six feet from everyone else in the classroom. If any student has an approved exemption from wearing a face mask / cover, they must also maintain a distance of six feet from everyone else. Board Policy 2800: Board Policy 5500: .nsf / goto? open & id = C54M4A560575 Board of Directors Action August 4, 2021: 20and% 20Vaccinations% 20August% 204% 20Screen.pdf


Course Summary:

Date Details Due