Show and Tell en español!!
- Due Sep 20, 2021 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a discussion post
- Available Sep 12, 2021 at 12am - Sep 20, 2021 at 11:59pm
Hola, chicos!
I'm going to write these instructions in English to avoid any confusion on the Assignment here. This is a public discussion, and you will be uploading a VIDEO for it. What will you talk about for 2 minutes (more or less)? The following:
- Gather some important items that belong to you and to other people in your household. You will be practicing the possessive adjectives--so, for example, "Hola clase, este cuadro es mío, y este juguete es de mi hermanito–es suyo. Esta televisión es de todos, o sea, es nuestra". Then, go on to describe the special items you want to share with us. Find a way to drop in some reflexives from Chapter 11: “Mi mejor amigo y yo nos conocemos por 5 años, y este juguete era suyo antes de dármelo a mí”. These are just examples; you can structure this however you wish. All I ask for is that you show me that you know how to use the “mío, tuya, nuestros, suyas, suyo, mías” possessives, and that you drop in a couple of reflexives. Be creative, have fun, choose some interesting items that are actually important to you and/or to others in your household, and explain why those things matter.