Programa del curso

                    LOS ANGELES CITY COLLEGE 

Non-Credits- In Home Supportive Services Program. Section # 12070  VOC ED 002CE    

                         FALL SEMESTER 2021 

 Course Start Date: 09/04/2021  

Course End Date: 12/19/2021 

Class Meeting Time/Days (break mins):  10 minutes

Synchronous Hours: Fridays (Zoom Meetings) Time: 8:00am- 11:35pm. 

 Asynchronous hours (TBA Hours):   hours/weekly  


Instructor: Dr. Carlos Brown. MD, MPH 

Email:                 Phone: (562) 452-9866 for text only 

Textbook/Materials: Textbooks will be sent via regular mail within 2-weeks after class starts. 

Course Description: In this course, students will learned those tools and clinical aspects related to the delivery of high quality of care for consumers enrolled in the IHSS Program. 

 Student Learning Outcomes: When given an In -Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Provider scenarios about a consumer, the student will describe what things they need to know to assist the client and the current and future actions to implement to ensure the health and safety of the consumers at home. 

Course Objectives: 

  1. Understand how to provide an outstanding Personal Care to consumers at the homecare setting: -how to help consumers maintain daily care of their teeth and gums, including dentures. 

-how to help a client dress 

-how to bathe a client in bed 

- how to make a bed for clients 

  1. Describe and demonstrate infection control and standard precautions, including washing hands, putting on gloves, changing linens, removing wastes, cleaning and disposing of sharps properly. 
  1. Understand all measures to keep consumers safe at home. Home Safety Measures regarding Falls and Fire Prevention Plans. Students will identify the most common injuries in homecare and learn how to prevent the consumers from falling. 
  1. Understand Diabetes as a medical condition. Students will learn about Diabetes Mellitus and its two clinical types. Introduction to Life-style Diseases and Systemic and Chronic Diseases like Diabetes. Preventive measures related to Type II Diabetes.  
  1. Communication strategies as part of the approach in Alzheimer Dementia. Dementia and Alzheimer Disease. Prevalence and Incidence among elderly at home. 
  1. 6. Students in general will learn how to provide a Better Care that leads to Better Health and Low Costs in the homecare field. 

                                         GRADING POLICY  

Please read carefully the Grading Policy that will be apply to this course.  

  1.  Positive Attendance Hours (PHA) along with the Assignment &Homework completion will determine if students Pass or No Pass the class. 
  2.  The course includes 90 hours. Students need to attend 72-hours minimum to Pass this class and complete 70% of the Homework and Assignments.  

Grading System is based on the following parameters: 

  Time Value for Synchronous Meetings: 2.9 hours per a weekly class meeting 

  Time Value for Asynchronous Activities (homework, assignments, quizzes):3.3 hours/weekly     The Grading System would be the following: 

70-100% = Pass (P)  40 – 69% = Satisfactory Progress (SP)   0 – 39% = No Pass (NP) 

 How to access your Class Meetings on Canvas? 

  1.  the Canvas App (for Students) on your phone or computer 
  2.  Type the Student ID number from your Student ID Card 
  3. Now you are Canvas. 
  4. Find on the sidebar on the left 
  5. Click Confer Zoom  
  6. Wait for the host to open the meeting or simply join to the meeting with your audio       and video 

 How to access your Class Meetings using the Zoom app? 

  1. Download the Zoom app on your phone or computer 
  1. Type the Meeting ID and Password (make sure to type each number and letter as it appears- CASE SENSITIVE) 
  1. Wait for the host to open the meeting or simply join to the meeting with your audio and video 

                            SPECIAL NEEDS  

Any student who feels she/he may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Special Services (OSS) at 323-953-400 

                             Online Classroom Rules 

Facial Mask Use:  This is a MANDATORY REQUIREMENT for In-person Instruction and Campus Visits.

Attendance-- All students attending class must be properly enrolled and must sign in the chat room of the Zoom meetings.  The TBA hours will be documented properly to determine student’s progress and eventually the final grade.   

Participation: Use the chat room to type your comments or by clicking on the reactions buttons located at the lowest part of the Zoom screen as part of the menu bar. This is a participatory class. Your comments are always more than welcome!  

 CENSUS:  Students will be removed from the Class Roster by the Instructor if students have been absent or their attendance is low. There are two Exclusion Dates for the course: 06/27/2021 and 07/25/2021. Inactive students as of those dates will be dropped (if the student returns, they may be added back if the class has seats open). 

Cell Phone Policy: 

Students may not use their cell phones to accept or make calls while in class. If cell phones and pagers must be turned to “silent” or vibration mode. Students who do not adhere to this policy will be asked to leave the class for the day. 

Note: If you have any concerns about the course or instructor, please contact the following: 

  1. Your instructor Carlos Brown; (562) 452-9866 (text only) 
  1. Program Coordinator: Mireya Nava (323) 393-0734 
  1. LA City College Noncredit Success Academies: (323) 953-4000 or social media : @laccnoncredit01 

Course Description 



  Assignments and Quizzes 


WEEK: 1,2 & 3 











  Communication and Teamwork 

 Infection Control and Standard Precautions 

 Diet and Nutrition 



Asynchronous Activities: Complete it on the weekly posted modules on Canvas 



WEEK: 4, 5 & 6 




Dementia and Alzheimer Disease 



Introduction to Vital Signs 

Asynchronous Activities: Complete it on the weekly posted modules on Canvas 




WEEK: 7, 8, 9 




Personal Care 

Activities of Daily Living 

Mental Health. Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Depression 

Asynchronous Activities: Complete it on the weekly posted modules on Canvas 

WEEK :10, 11 & 12 







Developmental Disabilities: Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Autism, and Intellectual Disability. 



Asynchronous Activities: Complete it on the weekly posted modules on Canvas 




WEEK 13  



Understanding Consumers and GRADUATION CEREMONY  




Course: Title: VOC ED 002CE-14100 

Course Description 

Students gain the skills needed to be an In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Provider so that they can enable an individual to live in his/her “own home” without danger to his/her health and/or safety. 


Not transferable 


No Prerequisite. No corequisites. No Advisories. 

Course Student Learning Outcomes 

  1. When given an In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Provider scenario about a client, the student will describe what things they need to know to assist a client and the current and future actions to implement to ensure the health and safety of the client. 2. The student will be able to compile a list of 10 common problems related to food safety. 

Grading Scale or Criteria 

Drop and Repeats 

Unless this section is designated as a managed enrolled transition cohort, this is an open-entry noncredit class. Students may add the class at any time if there is space available. Noncredit courses are repeatable. 

For all important dates make sure to visit (Enlaces a un sitio externo.) 

 Attendance Policy 

Students who are registered and miss the first time the class meets may lose their right to a place in the class. Whenever students are absent more than 10% of the total meeting days of the class, the instructor may exclude them from class. If the instructor determines that there are no mitigating circumstances that may justify the absences, the instructor may exclude a student from the class. Students are responsible for officially dropping a class that they stop attending. Students may re-add the class at any time if there is space available 

Financial Aid 

Noncredit Courses are FREE and not eligible for Financial Aid. Students who enroll in noncredit and credit courses at the same time: If you need help paying for books and other college expenses, call the Financial Aid Office at (323) 953-4000 ext.2010, visit at, or email 


Students with a verified disability who may need authorized accommodation(s) for this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and the Office of Special Services (323-953-4000, ext.2270 or email 
Visit OSS on Cranium Café or 
the OSS website: (Enlaces a un sitio externo.) 

Library Student Code of Conduct 

Non-credit Progress Indicators are Pass (P), Satisfactory Progress (SP), and No Pass (NP). Noncredit course progress indicators are NOT calculated into one’s grade point average and do NOT affect one’s financial aid since they have no unit value. A Pass is required for this course to be counted towards earning a Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) Certificate of Completion/Competency. See the online catalog for more information on noncredit CDCP certificates at: Education/Degrees-Certificates or consult with a Noncredit Program Counselor. 

The LACC Library provides a variety of resources and services to support online education. Currently with Covid19 the Library is closed and cannot lend physical books at this time. However, students can access over 200,000 ebooks, millions of newspaper, magazine and scholarly journal articles in full-text, watch videos, and chat with a librarian 24/7, all online. Visit the Library homepage to get started. 

Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following actions: cheating on an exam, plagiarism, working together on an assignment, paper or project when the instructor has specifically stated students should not do so, submitting the same term paper to more than one instructor, or allowing another individual to assume one’s identity for the purpose of enhancing one’s grade (see LACCD Board Rule 9803.28). Penalties may include a grade of zero or "F" on an exam or paper, or even suspension from the College. 

Prohibited Discrimination 

The policy of the Los Angeles Community College District is to provide an educational, employment and business environment free from Prohibited Discrimination, as defined by Board Rule 15003. Employees, students, or other persons acting on behalf of the District who engage in Prohibited Discrimination as defined in this policy or by State and Federal law shall be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge, expulsion, or termination of contract. The specific rules and procedures for reporting allegations of Prohibited Discrimination and for pursuing available remedies are included in Administrative Regulation C-14. A copy may be obtained from the Title IX Coordinator or from the District’s Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. 

Any member of the Los Angeles City College community, which includes students, faculty, and staff, who believes, perceives, or actually experiences conduct that may constitute prohibited discrimination, has the right to seek the help of the College. Every employee has the responsibility to report such conduct to the Title IX Coordinator or other designee(s) of the College President when it is directed toward students. Potential complainants are advised that administrative and civil law remedies, including but not limited to injunctions, restraining orders or other orders, may be made available. For assistance, contact the Title IX Coordinator at (323) 953-4000, Ext. 2758, or the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, at (213) 891-2315. 

Resumen del curso:

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