Mr. Who? -- Meet the Professor
Mr Van Benschoten
Though I was born in New Jersey, I have spent most of my life in the greatest state of the Union -- California. My father was a truck-driver, got promoted, and took us from place to place across North America as he set up terminals as a terminal manager. Our travels opened my eyes to the immensity of the United States, to its diversity. After graduating from San Gorgonio High School in San Bernardino, I attended several community colleges and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I wish I could tell you that that I dove into history from the start, but instead and maybe like some of you, I wandered a bit. And in wandering I discovered history. Then things happened lickety-split.
I am a graduate of the University of California at Riverside and of U.C.L.A, receiving my B.A. and M.A. from the former institution and a C.Phil. from the latter, both in History. Since 1992 I have taught many lower and upper division History courses. My specialty is Modern French history and the history of California. Between 1998 and 2005 I had the honor of working as an oral historian at U.C.L.A. and conducted over 40 oral histories of scientists, politicians, and union organizers, most of them in the Los Angeles area.
Over the years I have taught at several institutions of higher learning, including U.C.L.A., Los Angeles Community College, San Jacinto College, and Santa Monica College. I now serve as an associate professor at Santa Monica College where I often teach the U.S. survey courses and the history of California and World Civilizations.
In my free time I am an avid photographer, chess player, and reader of texts. You will find some of my photos scattered throughout my online courses: please look for them. I also travel the world with my wife (also an avid photographer) and have been known to inflict my photos of Antarctica, New Zealand, and Russia on whoever will view them. On weekends you may often find us exploring Los Angeles with our cameras in hand or continuing our hunt for the perfect taquitos and beans. When I am not doing any of these things, I am probably online, reading, or playing laser tag with our cats – Chester, Hazel, Ivy, and Amyra. I also love food, both making it and eating it. I make a killer Sweet Potato Curry with Garbanzos.