Course Syllabus

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To download the full course syllabus, please click on this link: Course Syllabus

About Me

Susana Santos

Hello! My name is Susana Santos, and I'm so glad to be working with you! I have been teaching the High School Equivalency (i.e., GED/HiSET)  Class at Los Angeles Southwest College , and I really enjoy teaching. In my time away from work, I like to spend time with my family, hike and travel. 

I believe the instructor-student relationship is critical. My number one goal is to support your success in this class and in your college career, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me throughout this class!

Contact Information

My number one priority is your success in this course, so I want you to know I am available to you. The best way to contact me is via the Canvas Inbox. I will reply within 24 hours, Monday - Friday. Messages sent over the weekend will be responded to by Monday at the latest.

Weekly Real-Time Office Hours

Every week, I will hold online office hours (please see below for "when we will meet.").  Zoom and Pronto will be a way that we can meet in real time online. In both Zoom and Pronto, we can talk about the course and you can ask me questions about the class material.

Optional Office Hours: Students may choose to interact online with classmates and the instructor:

  • Zoom: Monday and Friday from 11:15am to 12:30pm
  • Zoom: Wednesday from 5pm to 6pm

*Please note that there may be changes to the office hours, if that happens, I will make sure to let you know as soon as possible of the change.

How to Join Zoom

  • Click on Zoom in the links to left
  • Click "Join" on that week's meeting
  • Your first time, you will need to download the Zoom app
  • Here's a guide with more information: (instructions for using the Zoom tools start on page 3)

How to Join Pronto

  • Click on Pronto in the links to the left
  • You can also download the Pronto app on your phone
    • Your first time, you will need to sign in with your email

Canvas Support 24/7 Help Phone Number

The Canvas Support Team is a great resource for LASC students! They can help when you have questions about Canvas (for example, if you need help submitting an assignment, editing your profile, etc.). They are available by clicking on the Help icon on the left side of your screen (image of a circle with a question mark inside).

About Our Course

Course Description

Course Objectives

Course Materials

Course Policies

Grading and Late Work


Academic Integrity

Respect and Care for Others

Supporting Your Success

Support for Students with Learning Differences

Technical Help


LASC Library