The ground rules and etiquette for online students

Ground rules for everyone's benefit:

  • Be constructive and productive
  • Do not gripe or whine
  • Ask questions
  • Contribute replies
  • Expect to be misunderstood
  • Don't take things personally
  • Be supportive

General guidelines for users:

  • Keep your posts short--one to two paragraphs.
  • Keep one topic/question per post--don't mix topics.
  • Let's focus on learning how the tools work--not how they could work.
  • Avoid side dialogue within the topics.
  • Focus on coming up with how the tools presented can work for you.
  • It is normal to feel lost. ASK, don't assume. 

Etiquette (These were borrowed and adapted from Vivie Sinou, CEO of ETUDES):

  1. Be respectful of everyone--be aware of what you write, and that because there are no facial expressions nor tone of voice things can be taken the wrong way.
  2. Do not write in all capitals--this is considered SHOUTING
  3. Do not belittle your classmates' opinions/ideas, even if they're wrong and you're right. It is OK to disagree in a polite and constructive way.
  4. Please do not expect immediate responses to questions--just because this is an online experience does not mean that fellow students and/or the facilitators are always online and available. (You'll see what this means when you teach online yourself!) All questions will be answered within 24-48 hours unless it is a weekend; then questions will be answered on Monday. Actually, they'll probably be answered on the weekend too, but nobody is making promises.