Course Syllabus

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Los Angeles Valley College

Introduction to Teaching with Canvas

Training Syllabus

Hello and welcome to Introduction to Teaching with Canvas. This course introduces adaptive learning, online teaching best practices, and Canvas tools in the context of practical strategies for design, development, and management of an online course. You will have an opportunity to review the basics of online course development and practice the use of Canvas tools through hands-on exercises. Based on the original design, the course is presented in four modules (learning units) that contain all of the content for the topic. You will be able to navigate through the modules freely; however, we recommend you proceed through the content linearly as presented for the most beneficial learning journey.

Course Description

This course introduces you to how to teach using the Canvas learning management system by Instructure. You will be introduced to adaptive learning principles and best practices for online teaching. You will also learn how the Canvas system works through a series of curated readings and recall what you have learned through formative quizzes. You will be provided with an opportunity to practice what you have learned through a series of hands-on exercises focused on the subject you teach.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will be able to use Canvas to apply Chickering and Gamson’s "Seven Principles of Effective Teaching" in the following ways: • Facilitate contact between students and faculty by creating a bio and setting communication expectations • Develop reciprocity and cooperation among students by creating a community of discourse on discussions

  • Encourage active learning by choosing a course home page that will help students succeed • Give prompt feedback through the use of immediately scored exams • Emphasize time on task by adding events to the course calendar • Communicate high expectations by sharing the syllabus online • Respect diverse talents and ways of learning by presenting content in a variety of formats.

Time Commitment

9 – 4:00 scheduled Canvas training plus one week to complete the course online.

Your time commitment will vary based upon your own level of experience with web technologies.

Let’s Get Started

Please take your first step by reviewing the Syllabus in Canvas training course.

Canvas LMS Login Instructions (For Official District Created Courses)

  • Go to:
  • LoginID = use the first portion of your academic email address ( For example, “publicjq” would be the Canvas LoginID and not the whole academic email address. Canvas LoginID’s are not case sensitive.
  • Password = enter your employee ID number without any leading zeros or spaces
  • Note: If you do not know your academic email address, please call IT.

You will have two roles in your Canvas training course.

  • You will be a student in the Canvas training course.

This is where you view course training content and take quizzes

  • You will be a teacher in your Sandbox site.

This is where you will complete all required Hands on activities.

The facilitators for this course will have access to your Sandbox sites to help you if you need assistance. The Distance Education office is here for you! Set time aside for the training, take breaks and enjoy learning and creating.

Scoring & Evaluation

You must get 100% on all hands-on activities and take the 4 unit quizzes in the training course, to get certified in Canvas. You must also complete the four discussions according to the rubric. 

No daily log in is required, however it is your responsibility to complete your “Hands on activities

Your Sandbox sites will be evaluated by a facilitator at the end of Canvas training.

This is a hands-on online training workshop, the main focus is using the features and functionality of Canvas in your Sandbox site. Ultimately, you need to demonstrate that you can do all the core functions.

Print the hands on activity list/scoring rubric and keep track of your work.

Successful graduates of Canvas training will receive a certificate of completion via email. The Distance Education office will notify you with your certificate and next steps at the end of your training. Successful graduates will be keeping their Sandbox site.

In preparation for Canvas training

Please bring the following files on a USB flash drive or email these files to yourself:

  • Course syllabus (past or present)
  • Photo of yourself for your Canvas profile/biography
  • Welcome announcement for your students
  • A brief lecture (MS Word doc with a paragraph is fine)
  • Discussion question
  • For the in-class quiz creation exercise, please prepare 3 questions in advance:
    • (1) True & False question
    • (1) Multiple Choice question
    • (1) Essay question

Scoring Rubric

Unit 1 – Introduction to Canvas

 Unit 1 Discussion in Course site - 15 points 

Hands-on-activities to be completed in your training sandbox account

Hands-on-activities to be completed in your training sandbox account



Edit Profile



Add a Profile Picture



Post an online syllabus



Add an announcement



Unit 1 Quiz


Sandbox Site Review Unit 1



Unit 2 – Course Design and Development

Unit 2 Discussion in Course site - 15 points 

Hands-on-activities to be completed in your training sandbox account

Hands-on-activities to be completed in your training sandbox account



Ability to author content (Text) in Modules



Ability to author content (URL) in Modules




Ability to embed content (Video with closed captions) in Modules



Ability to embed content (Picture with alt tags) in Modules



Create Content Page



Choose a Home Page



Unit 2 Quiz


Sandbox Site Review Unit 2



Unit 3 – Managing Course Communication

Unit 3 Discussion in Course site - 15 points 

Hands-on-activities to be completed in your training sandbox account

Hands-on-activities to be completed in your training sandbox account



Create a Calendar Item shared with your sandbox account.



Create a graded discussion



Unit 3 Quiz


Sandbox Site Review Unit 3



Unit 4 - Assessment in Canvas

Unit 4 Discussion in Course site - 15 points 

Hands-on-activities to be completed in your training sandbox account

Hands-on-activities to be completed in your training sandbox account



Create a graded assignment



Create a graded quiz using 3 different question types (T & F, Multiple choice and essay)



Submit both assignment and quiz in student view.



Use Speed Grader to grade assignment and quiz.



Unit 4 Quiz


Sandbox Site Review Unit 4




For Canvas training questions, contact the Interim Distance Education Coordinator, Pauletta Daw at 323 415-8918.


Course Summary: