Online vs. Hybrid vs. Web-supported

"Online Contact" in this context means some of the class time is scheduled as TBA and is intended to be done 100% online. It does not apply to classes that meet 100% full time face to face, but require students to download or submit content through an LMS. Those are "web -supported" classes.  Your course is purely online if students can do everything, start to finish, with a computer  and do not meet in person.

At LAVC, any course that has required online contact and required face to face contact is considered a hybrid.

If your 3-unit course meets Mondays for an hour and 20 minutes and the rest is TBA online, this course would be considered a "hybrid course."

You are also teaching "hybrid" if your course is all online except for mandatory on-campus orientations and/or exams. Those required face-to-face exams make your course a hybrid, not purely online. If your course is a hybrid, it should not be represented in the schedule as "hybrid." Required face-to-face attendance should be made clear with days, time and location.

Yes, you still must be Canvas-certified to teach in hybrid mode.