Unit 1 Instructional Content

What is Canvas?

Canvas is a password-protected learning management system that is accessed via the internet. It is a comprehensive and integrated suite of tools that includes the following features:

  • course development and management tools
  • content creation and management tools
  • communication and collaboration tools
  • assessment tools

Canvas can be used to integrate the internet with instruction at any level, from a web-enhanced class to a fully online one. The instructor can decide which tools to use and can control how the student progresses through the online material. 

Now that you have a basic understanding of what Canvas is, you are ready to read about the student view of Canvas.

Important Info.png

Note that this server as well as the Instructure Canvas server are both using the New Canvas User Interface. This may differ from the interface at your college. Contact your local system administrator regarding when your system will use the new interface. For information on the old interface, read the following documents from the Canvas Student Guide:

If your local system has not yet updated to the new interface, Canvas has created a video overview Links to an external site..

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