Unit 2 Instructional Content

Content Considerations

Content is how most of the material in an online course is experienced by students. They will communicate about the course with each other and the instructor; they will complete some kind of assessment activities; but their learning will begin with the content that is presented to them. Canvas uses three primary tools for storing, presenting, and organizing content. Items in each content tool can be set to Published or Unpublished (draft) status, which is one control over the visibility of those items to students.


Files can be just about any kind of electronic file that you can create with a computer. Canvas makes it easy to upload files to your course and you can provide links to uploaded files from anywhere inside a course. Many types of files can be previewed inside the Canvas page, so it is possible for students to view the contents of a file within the browser without having to download it first. 

Content Pages are web pages built within Canvas using the Rich Content Editor. Uploaded files can be linked to a content page and even previewed within the page, so this tool is the ideal way to provide the instructional context around the content that you provide to students. Content pages can include links to external websites and embedded media as well. This course has a hands-on assignment to create a content page.

Though you can provide students access to a list of all the Content Pages and Files inside a course, the best way to organize the material is through the use of the Modules tool. Modules can also include links to communication and assessment activities and help you present material to students in the manner and order you think will best help them achieve the learning objectives of your course. Note that the visibility setting of a Module (published or unpublished) overrides the visibility setting of its component items. This course has a hands-on assignment to create a module.

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