Quality assurance

Quality assurance

As required by Title 5 regulations, before an online course is developed it is separately reviewed and approved according to the district’s course approval procedures.  Course outlines are either created or updated and all online courses have been approved by the Curriculum Committee, Academic Senate and the College President.  In addition to the new or updated course outline, a Distance Education Approval Form is required.  This form certifies that:

·         The same standards of course quality are applied to the distance education courses as are applied to traditional classroom courses.  (Course Quality Standards – Title 5, section 55372)

·         Determination and judgments about the quality of the distance education course were made with the full involvement of the faculty as defined by the college curriculum approval procedures.  (Course Quality Determination – Title 5, section 55374)

·         Each section of the course which is delivered through distance education includes regular personal contact between instructor and students.  (Instructor Contact – Title 5, section 55376)