Unit 4 Instructional Content

Quiz Options

Graducation cap iconThe Quizzes tool allows instructors to test students' learning, both for formative and summative assessments. It can also be used to collect feedback from students via the survey option. For a face-to-face class, for example, Quizzes can be used to encourage students to complete reading before the class meets for a lecture on a related topic. For any class, another example is an anonymous survey used to gather student feedback on a particular lesson or tool used in the class. The available options allow for a variety of uses.

The visibility of a Quiz can be controlled like it is for content items and Discussions. A quiz can be published or unpublished (draft), and its availability can be set for a particular date and time. If a Quiz is linked from a Module, the Module's visibility and availability settings take precedence.

Among the options for quizzes are excluding them from the Grades calculation (great for practice assessments) and allowing multiple attempts. You can decide how the score for a multiple-attempt Quiz is calculated. Time limits can be set for Quizzes and you can control what students see when they submit a Quiz and when they can see correct answers. (Students can be quite clever at figuring out that the feedback for those who submit earlier might be valuable information for classmates.) Question answers can be shuffled, which means that each student will receive the same answers for that question in a random order.

The questions for Quizzes can be organized in Question Banks, which can be used to arrange for a random subset of questions to appear on each attempt. (The aforementioned cleverness has less utility when each student sees a different set of questions.) There are several types of questions, most of which can be graded automatically (except the Essay question type!), and specific feedback can be attached to the answers chosen by students.

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