Unit 4 Summary and Additional Resources

You've made it! You've reached the end of this lesson.

In this unit you learned how to:

  • Understand how to use Canvas tools to assess student learning
  • Create an assessment item appropriate to their class

To demonstrate your learning you completed the following activities and assessments:

  1. Read the following Content Pages:
    "Quiz Options"
    "Assignment Options"
    "Feedback and Grades"
    Course Statistics"
  2. Perform the "Create Assessment Item" hands-on activity
  3. Perform the "Use SpeedGrader" hands-on activity
  4. Complete the "Unit 4" quiz
  5. Participate in the "Assessment Plan" discussion

Additional Resources:

These are links to additional resources in the topics covered in this unit. They include information on the effective use of this technology created by our colleagues at other colleges and universities.

Please let your facilitator know if you discover any broken links. 

want to learn even more? proceed to resources. arrow pointing to the right.png