The Quiz on Plagiarism

  • Due Sep 1, 2019 at 11:59pm
  • Points 8
  • Questions 8
  • Time Limit 15 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited



  • The following is a short quiz on some of the basics about Plagiarism, about the video on it and the content item defining and illustrating it. Remember! -- your quizzes in our course taken together equal about a quarter of your total grade. Put your best foot forward in this first week quiz. 
  • Read through the About Plagiarism content item BEFORE taking this quiz.
  • The quiz has 8 questions and each question is worth one point.
  • You will have 15 minutes to complete each attempt, and you will have as many attempts as needed to score perfectly on the quiz (if you wish) before the Sunday deadline.
  • After 11 p.m. (PST)  on Sunday of this week, the quiz will close.
Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes