Summarizing Sentences

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Most of us have probably read a book, maybe a lengthy article or a research paper, and felt the weight of it - the heaviness that comes from having to carry around all those words. Wouldn't it be nice if we could summarize these texts in an accessible way so that we can save time? In this blog post, you'll find out how to do just that!


The Summarizing Sentences blog section is dedicated to helping students improve their writing skills by providing concise and clear summaries of essential points. By breaking down longer, complicated sentences into shorter ones, this blog section makes it easy for students to identify the most important information. In addition, by providing specific examples of how to summarize different types of sentences, this blog section gives students the tools they need to become better writers.


When it comes to summarizing sentences, there are a few different methods you can use. Some people prefer to read the entire sentence and then summarize it in their own words. Others like to break the sentence down into smaller pieces and summarize each part separately. Whichever method you choose, the goal is to distill the most important information from the original sentence and communicate it in a concise way.

One thing to keep in mind when summarizing sentences is that your summary should be shorter than the original sentence. This means you need to be selective about what information you include. In general, you want to focus on the main idea of the sentence and leave out any unnecessary details. For example, if you’re summarizing a sentence about a new product launch, you might want to include information about the product itself, but you wouldn’t need to include details about the company’s history or other unrelated topics.

When done correctly, summarizing sentences can be a great way to communicate complex information in a more digestible format. It can also help you save time by allowing you to quickly identify the most important points in a text. So next time you’re faced with a long paragraph or article


In a study of 100 undergraduate students, half were asked to read a sentence and then summarize it. The other half were asked to read the sentence and then generate a new sentence that conveyed the same meaning. The students who summarized the sentence were significantly more likely to accurately recall the information than those who generated a new sentence.

While this finding may not be surprising, it underscores the importance of summary skills. Being able to accurately summarize information is a key part of reading comprehension and will be important in academic and professional settings.


Summarizing sentences is a great way to improve your writing skills. By taking the time to summarize a sentence, you are forcing yourself to think about what the author is trying to say and how you can say it more clearly. In addition, summarizing sentences can help you to better understand complex ideas and make them easier to remember. So next time you come across a long or difficult sentence, take a few minutes to summarize it — you may be surprised at how much clearer it becomes.

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