Unit 4 Overview

The assessment tools in Canvas help you measure student performance in a variety of ways, from Quizzes that are automatically graded to a secure method for collecting papers. You can share grade information with students via the Grades tool and even include feedback on course activities that take place offline.

By the end of this lesson, participants will be able to

  • Understand how to use Canvas tools to assess student learning
  • Create an assessment item appropriate to their class
  • Use the SpeedGrader tool to give students feedback

To meet the objectives of this lesson, you will complete the following activities and assessments:

  1. Read the following Instructional Content:
    "Quiz Options"
    "Assignment Options"
    "Feedback and Grades"
    Course Statistics"
  2. Read the additional information relating to Module 4
    "Seen Tips for Creating a Positive Online Learning Experience"
    "Building Online Assignments"
    "Using Media to Build Assessments"
    "Providing Feedback"
    "Top 5 Checklist for Building Assessments"
    "Aligning Your Course SLOs"
  3. These articles are after this module as the Unit 4 Enrichment Module. You are not tested on this material but it could greatly benefit your understanding of online teaching at LAVC.
    "An Instrument to Assess Online Facilitation"
    "Assessment Ideas"
    "Designing Successful Online Assignments: 10 Tips"
    "Building Assignments that Teach"
    :Using Rubrics to Improve Online Teaching, Learning, and Retention"
  4. Perform the "Create Assessment Item" hands-on activity 
  5. Perform the "Use SpeedGrader" hands-on activity 
  6. Complete the "Unit 4 Quiz" 
  7. Participate in the "Assessment Plan" discussion 
Begin the lesson with arrow pointing right.png